Journey Deep Within

awaken your soul purpose and create an abundant soul-aligned life

3-month live, sacred healing container & online group program

starting Tuesday, September 10

For spiritual women that desire to awaken their soul purpose and create a life of freedom, abundance and authentic soul alignment

If you’re ready to….

  • Shift out of survival mode, scarcity mindset, burnout and the hustle

  • Create more balance, flow and experience inner peace

  • Reignite the passion, purpose and enthusiasm in your life

  • Feel unshakeable confidence and honor your sacred boundaries

  • Expand your capacity to receive and hold love

  • Speak your truth and use your voice for authentic communication

  • Cultivate greater inner strength, emotional resilience and nervous system regulation

  • Access a deeper layer of intuitive connection

  • Feel light up and inspired by your visions and dreams

…then you’re ready for Journey Deep Within

Because all of your desires are on the other side of meeting your unconscious shadow self and clearing the energetic imprints, beliefs, and patterns that are keeping you stuck in fear, lack, disconnection and limitation.

It’s a journey of unbecoming everything you’re not, releasing the should’s, processing the unresolved pain, and creating more connection, balance and wholeness.

The path of journeying deep within allows you to access a new dimension of truth, understanding, connection, and love from the inside.

This experience is a sacred initiation into a higher version of yourself.

The path of journeying deep within is the key to your next up-level.

Who is this for?

For those that are on their awakening & healing path…and are desiring to dive in deeper

You know that your Soul is here for something far greater than your current reality.

You likely identify as ambitious and sensitive, empathic underneath it all.

You’re going through the motions, ticking off the boxes of success and yet it all feels empty and unfulfilling.

You find yourself stuck, not really knowing where to go next.

The voice of your inner critic is harsh, loud, and mean.

Self-doubt and intense judgment is your norm.

You are overcome by fear and have trouble letting go of control.

You feel trapped by the lack of direction, passion and aliveness in your life.

When you look below the surface, you understand there is fear and crippling anxiety.

Scarcity, lack and limitation is all you’ve known.

You likely resonate with being a perfectionist and/or the ‘good girl’.

You feel disconnected from your needs, desires, body, energy and intuition.

You’re exhausted from burning out, overdoing and overextending yourself.

More importantly, you are tired of feeling these frustrating patterns and you know that a shift needs to be made….

Does this also sound like you?

You are passionate about your personal evolution, spiritual growth, and healing.

You want to better understand your fears, limiting beliefs and programing to unlock your highest potential.

You have been feeling the call from within to elevate your life in all areas.

You are in the season of prioritizing your relationship to yourself.

You desire a warm community and want to create soul-aligned friendships.

It’s likely you’ve done talk therapy, yoga, and have dabbled in other healing modalities, and you are now ready to go deeper.

You are likely the black sheep, cycle breaker, been called ‘too much’ and/or the ‘too sensitive’ one in your family.

How will this transform your life?

Take a moment to visualize your life 3 months from now…


You wake up each day feeling invigorated by a renewed sense of purpose and passion

You are self-sourced — all the love, validation and acceptance you seek comes from within

You break free from unconscious thoughts, patterns, wounds and limitations 

You feel safe, grounded and rooted in your body and the present moment

You are deeply in tune with your body, emotions, needs, desires, and intuition

You are empowered to own your divinity and express yourself whole-heartedly

You are devoted to your wellbeing and are discovering how you can be of service to the collective

You lead with your compassionate heart and radiant authenticity

You are in alignment with your souls frequency and path

You elevate your state of being and flow with the cyclical nature of life

Your life feels fun, easeful, intentional and abundant


Journey Deep Within

A 3-month live group experience of intuitively guided breathwork journeys, subconscious reprogramming, deep energetic & emotional healing, and sisterhood connection.

Journey Deep Within is a sacred journey and intimate group space for personal transformation and soul liberation.

The power of group work and community healing is its own medicine. We are mirrors for one another.

To be seen, held and witnessed through your own process is a form of healing.

It is my intention to create togetherness and closeness, where sisterhood wounds are healed and soul-aligned friendships are formed.

This is a transformation of unbecoming, releasing the conditioned ways of being and returning to divine wholeness.

The sessions will be tailored to the needs & energy of our container.

These are some themes we may explore inside Journey Deep Within

Our 9 live sessions over the course of 3 months, will include an opening ceremony, 7 chakra focused breathwork & energy healing sessions, and a closing ceremony.

Each breathwork & energy healing session will focus on an energy center.

We will be exploring these topics through self-reflection journaling, breathwork & energy healing journey’s, and space holding.

Root Chakra: Grounding, Safety & Presence, Feminine Energetics

Sacral Chakra: Inner Child, Womb Healing, Worthiness

Solar Plexus Chakra: Personal Power, Confidence, Masculine Energetics

Heart Chakra: Unconditional Love, Compassion, Awakening Your Soul Purpose

Throat Chakra: Visibility, Authentic Communication & Expression, Speaking Your Truth

Third Eye Chakra: Intuition, the 5D, Psychic Gifts, Light Body, Soul Essence

Crown Chakra: Higher Self & Soul Mission

These are the modalities we will explore inside Journey Deep Within

Subconscious Healing

About 5% of our thoughts come from our conscious mind, our immediate awareness, and the remaining 95% are rooted in the depths of our subconscious and unconscious, which stores our beliefs, attitudes, feelings and impressions. To bring about long-lasting change and healing, we must connect with the root of the beliefs we hold around being in fear, lack, limitation, unworthiness, separation from self, etc and bring it into our conscious awareness. The guided breathwork journeys will also include subconscious reprogramming.

Somatic & Breathwork Healing

Our bodies hold trapped emotions, unconscious beliefs, unprocessed experiences and energy. It’s one thing to understand our pain, patterns and programming from the level of the mind, and it’s another to process it through the body and feelings. We will bring about healing to the body through the power of the breath. Breathwork is an active meditation practice that uses rhythmic breathing to access deep healing - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Our breath is our life force. When we engage in deep breathwork journeys, we can express the unexpressed and begin to clear the subconscious programming around scarcity and lack. These trapped emotions, beliefs and energy need to be felt and released so we can create more space in our vessel to hold more light and raise our consciousness.

Energetic Healing & Sacred Ritual

Everything is energy. We are not just the physical body we reside in. We are soul’s, light beings incarnated in physical form. Our soul also needs healing. Through guided and intentional space holding, we will call in support from the higher realms and our spiritual teams to bring in healing on a soul level. Distance reiki, universal life force energy, will be infused into each healing journey for our group.

The Details

We start Tuesday, September 10 and end Tuesday, November 19

Live Calls will be held over zoom, on Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 830pm Eastern (1.5 hours)

We will have 3 consecutive sessions with one week off for integration, per month

We will also be communicating through a private group chat on Telegram

Sessions will be recorded and replays will be made available, although live attendance is highly encouraged

The group will be limited to 12 spots to ensure an intimate container

Group Experience


1:1 Welcome Call

9 Live Group Calls over Zoom
3 sessions + 1 integration week per month

Opening Ceremony

7 Breathwork Healing Journeys

Closing Ceremony

Integration Support
access to Stephanie and the group in a private group chat

Sacred Sisterhood


early bird pricing until Aug 22

$1,111 USD (Pay in Full)

- or -

$277 USD per month (Payment Plan - 4x)

price increases on Aug 23 to

$1,333 USD (Pay in Full)

- or -

$333 USD per month (Payment Plan - 4x)

Here’s what some clients have to say about their experience with me

“Stephanie is an incredible Soul Coach who was brought immense value to my life! I started working with Stephanie back in October and I’m so grateful I did. Stephanie has an amazing way of connecting with you and truly meeting you where you’re at. She’s an excellent guide to take you out of the chaos of life; using coaching and breathwork in her sessions, her work has been very profound. Before we started working together I was about 2 years into my spiritual journey (trying to do all of the spiritual work alone) but felt completely stuck, burnt out and like I was just waiting around for something to happen for me. I was unclear on my soul’s purpose and what I was here to do. Since working with her, I have felt seen, uplifted and guided. I have become more clear on my purpose and it’s reignited the spark I felt I had lost. I would recommend working with Stephanie to anyone who is looking to understand themselves on a much deeper level and get clear on their soul’s mission so they can start working towards fulfilling it.” - Blanca

“Before working with Steph, I was confused most of the time. I was feeling insecure and unsure of myself and my movements. My biggest win is regained CONFIDENCE. Stephanie helped me to realize my magick and my worth. She started right away on my WORTH. I feel more confident and loving towards myself. I can see and feel my preciousness. Stephanie is thorough and precise. I appreciate her dedication, organization, willfulness, attention, and precision. The sessions never felt chaotic or messy. Stephanie creates a comfortable and trusting environment and therefore, helps me to create the same for me. Her thorough work and mindful presence make me want to do and be the same! She makes it look easy which can be intoxicating and inspiring. I use the word intoxicating because when I reflect on our time together and the visual of Stephanie and her beauty and power and stillness and knowing, I become intoxicated with the idea that someone is showing up like this! Someone is giving their full effort and I feel like that is very rare. I show up to sessions with questions and scenarios and ideas and Stephanie is quick to have an answer and ideas and suggestions that always bring me back to center. I feel understood when working with Stephanie. She helps me to understand myself and to be more willing to be sweet and loud and bright and kind and as BIG as I want to be.” - Ashton

“My experience with Steph was an amazing, beautiful journey. So much of what Steph does always resonated with me, which made her very relatable and I always felt seen, heard and understood. Every session was very powerful and intentional. Steph is amazing at what she does and is very intentional, thoughtful, caring, knowledgeable, supportive and very intuitive which really helped to best guide me in the right direction. Before I started coaching with Steph I was unhappy with various areas of my life. I felt stuck and needed guidance, support and stability in my life. I felt regret with certain past decisions, was feeling like I couldn’t past a threshold, and just felt unmotivated. I’m grateful to have received the following results, transformation, and wins: a new perspective with my current circumstances that allowed me to have hope for change, releasing some old wounds, starting a morning meditation practice, receiving the opportunity of new job that is going to provide me with the financial stability I’ve been seeking and offer me benefits that I’ve been in dire need of, receiving the opportunity to of new home that will provide the safety, peace and comfort I was desperately hoping for quite some time now, clarity on my future endeavors, and a better relationship with myself where I put my needs first. I feel grateful, happy, content, and excited for what’s to come.” - Beverly

"I recently had the privilege of participating in a breathwork meditation session, and I can honestly say it was one of the most transformative experiences I've ever had. Stephanie guided us through a series of breathing exercises that were both gentle and powerful. With each breath, I felt myself sinking deeper into a state of relaxation, letting go of tension and stress that I didn't even realize I was holding onto. As the session progressed, I began to notice subtle shifts in my body and mind. I felt waves of energy moving through me, clearing away blockages and leaving me feeling lighter and more present than I had in ages. By the time the session ended, I felt completely rejuvenated – mind, body, and soul. I cannot recommend breathwork meditation highly enough to anyone seeking deeper self-awareness, relaxation, and inner peace. It truly is a profound and life-changing practice." - Jeanne

“The Breathwork Stephanie guided me through was pure medicine. The experience itself was incredibly relaxing and enjoyable. Her guidance kept me focused on the present moment as time seemed to expand and contract throughout the session. It was a beautifully meditative experience similar to the feeling of deep sleep but while being awake and conscious. After the session, I had so many realizations and insights into some of the things I’m currently working through in my life, and I know it’s because of the Breathwork Stephanie facilitated for me. It really helped me move some blocks and allowed my energy to flow.” - Grace

Are you ready for the journey?


Hi!  I’m Stephanie Pereira Lima

Intuitive Healer, Soulful Leader, Space Holder, Breathwork Guide & Reiki Master

I’m a former Wall St, corporate leader turned energy healer.

My mission is to guide lightworkers, heart-centered leaders, healers, guides, creatives, and visionaries towards aligning with their soul’s purpose so they can be in joyful service to the collective, while creating an easeful, harmonious and abundant life.

My soul is here to anchor in the divine feminine frequency of love and compassion, and support humanity’s consciousness evolution from the 3D to 5D.

I’ve had countless past lives as a high priestess, medicine woman, healer and oracle. I’m a Pleiadian and Arcturian star seed, born and raised in Miami FL, from Brazilian-Cuban lineage. I’m a pisces sun, scorpio rising, aries moon and a 4/6 emotional generator.

My divine purpose is to bring as many lightworkers online and sharing their soul gifts with their communities because the world needs healing, the world needs your light, presence and magic.

Today my greatest joy is to see women truly stand in their divine sovereign power and live from their hearts, intuition and soul.

As we heal ourselves, our frequency ripples out to our family, friends, community, ancestral lineage and across all time, space and dimensions.

If you resonate with me and would like to work together, it would be a sincere honor to be part of your soul’s evolution and expansion journey.

You can listen more on my podcast, Soul Space by Steph, on Apple or Spotify

Connect with me on Instagram