Head to Heart

shift from surviving to thriving

Are you ready to experience deeper love, trust, purpose, authenticity and soul-level connections?

Sign up to access the replay from this Free, 2-day live virtual immersion.

I recommend tuning into these at least 24 hours apart so you can integrate
from the deep breathwork clearing experience.

I also recommend following these tips to prep your space to ensure you have the most optimal experience:

  • join from a quiet and private place

  • use headphones for optimal audio quality and sound experience

  • do not eat a heavy meal or drink caffeine before practicing breathwork

  • grab some fresh water

  • grab your journal and pen

  • grab a yoga mat to lay on

  • grab a blanket to wrap yourself in

  • grab a pillow for the back of the knees

  • an eye mask to block out any bright light

  • light a candle/incense/sacred smoke, if you'd like


“Transformative to say the least! I’ve done breath work before but never had this type of journey. I reveled in the sense of peace and beautiful vibrations throughout this entire experience!”

“I really needed that. I have never felt so at peace. I felt so empowered”

“The whole experience was incredible. I have been meditating for about two years now and the meditative state I achieve after the breathwork was something I have never felt before. I was so spiritually connected and at so much peace. Thank you so much for sharing this experience” 

“I feel quiet and solemn and peaceful and nourished.”

“I  felt the presence of my spiritual guides, and I’ve got a reassuring intuitive message from them. During the reiki part, I ‘saw’ a brilliant violet color…that was beautiful! I loved it!” 

“I had lots of tingling and felt above the universe. So powerful!”

“I felt the urge to shake my body, I cried, I smiled and I felt all the trembling all over my body. After I felt a profound sense of peace and quiet.” 

“That felt very cleansing! I’m floating now.”

“Empowered, loved, freeing, thankful”

“Calming throughout my entire body. Thank you”

“This was a gift. Thank you”

A FREE 2-day immersive experience for women that are on their spiritual path, and ready to shift out of survival mode, access deep healing & up-level their life

…and it all begins with opening the portal of your heart through subconscious, somatic and energetic healing

Your heart is the gateway to your higher self, the truest you — beyond the conditionings, limitations and survival programming.

It is through the heart that you can access a new dimension of love, truth, intuitive connection, abundance, joy, creativity and play.

It is through the heart that you can create a new foundation to stand and grow from, one rooted in the frequency of love as opposed to fear.

The path of your heart is the key to shift and up-level your life from surviving to thriving.

Consider this experience an initiation to begin living your life from your heart.

We do this through:

Subconscious Healing

About 5% of our thoughts come from our conscious mind, our immediate awareness, and the remaining 95% are rooted in the depths of our subconscious and unconscious, which stores our beliefs, attitudes, feelings and impressions. To bring about long-lasting change and healing, we must connect with the root of the beliefs we hold around being in survival mode and bring it into our conscious awareness.

Somatic Healing

Our bodies hold trapped emotions, unconscious beliefs, unprocessed experiences and energy. It’s one thing to understand the survival mode beliefs from the level of the mind, and it’s another to process it through the body and feelings. We will bring about healing to the body through the power of the breath. This is how we can express the unexpressed and begin to clear the subconscious programming around survival. These trapped emotions, beliefs and energy need to be felt and released so we can create more space in our vessel to hold more light.

Energetic Healing

Everything is energy. We are not just the physical body we reside in. We are soul’s, light beings incarnated in physical form. Our soul also needs healing. Through guided and intentional space holding, we will call in support from the higher realms and our spiritual teams to bring in healing on a soul level.

You’ll walk away with:

  • greater awareness around your core wounds that are keeping you in survival mode

  • profound and expanded perspective shifts

  • having experienced two deep somatic healing journeys

  • received channeled spiritual teachings

  • an activation to open the portal of your heart

What you will experience….

Day 1: Awareness & Subconscious Clearing

Learn about shifting out of survival mode and living from the mind

Experience a Guided Breathwork Healing Journey to clear your subconscious programming around survival mode

Day 2: Awaken your Heart

Learn about living from the level of the heart and soul

Experience a Guided Breathwork Healing Journey to awaken the portal of your heart

Open Shares & An invitation to go deeper

Meet Your Guide

Hi I’m Stephanie Pereira Lima

Soul Coach, Intuitive Energy Healer, Space Holder, Breathwork Guide & Reiki Master

I’m a former corporate leader turned soul coach & energy healer.

I created this experience because I know first hand what it’s like to live in survival mode, always hustling, burning out and feeling like you’re never enough. I know what it’s like to be in the auto-pilot rat race and operating from scarcity, fear, and the level of the linear mind.

It wasn’t until I began to receive energy work, practice breathwork, and do the deeper shadow, identity & ego work that I began to experience real profound changes and up-levels in my life.

I needed to heal my wounds around worthiness, the feminine and masculine energetics. I experienced a spiritual awakening at 24 years old and it was then that I dove deep into understanding who I am at a soul-level and what my purpose is here in this lifetime.

Today my mission is to guide lightworkers, creatives, and visionaries towards aligning with their soul’s purpose so they can create the positive impact they are meant to have, all while living the easeful, flowy and abundant life they desire.

My soul is here to anchor in the divine feminine frequency of love and compassion, and support humanity’s consciousness evolution from the 3D to 5D.

I’ve had countless past lives as a high priestess, medicine woman, healer and oracle. I’m a Pleiadian and Arcturian star seed, born and raised in Miami FL, from Brazilian-Cuban lineage. I’m a pisces sun, scorpio rising, aries moon and a 4/6 emotional generator.

My divine purpose is to bring as many lightworkers online and sharing their soul gifts with their communities because the world needs healing, the world needs your light, presence and magic.

Today my greatest joy is to see women truly stand in their power and live from their hearts, intuition and soul.

As we heal ourselves, our frequency ripples out to our family, friends, community, ancestral lineage and across space and time.

It would be a sincere honor to be part of your soul’s evolution and expansion journey.

Here's what past clients have shared about their experiences of working with me 

"The Breathwork Stephanie guided me through was pure medicine. The experience itself was incredibly relaxing and enjoyable. Her guidance kept me focused on the present moment as time seemed to expand and contract throughout the session. It was a beautifully meditative experience similar to the feeling of deep sleep but while being awake and conscious. After the session, I had so many realizations and insights into some of the things I’m currently working through in my life, and I know it’s because of the Breathwork Stephanie facilitated for me. It really helped me move some blocks and allowed my energy to flow.” - Grace

“Each session with Steph has been nothing short of extraordinary, leaving me feeling not only clearer-headed and focused but also genuinely happier. Her ability to exude a soothing and healing energy is truly remarkable. It's as if she sees right through me, understanding my deepest thoughts and emotions, creating a safe and nurturing environment for personal growth. Steph's coaching goes beyond expectations; she generously provides valuable resources at the end of each session, empowering me to continue my personal development journey outside of our meetings. Her dedication to her clients is evident, and her genuine care shines through every interaction. I cannot recommend Steph enough; she delivers top-notch service with utmost professionalism and warmth. Her breath practice techniques are absolutely phenomenal!” - Tsipi 

“Steph’s breathwork class was beyond amazing! I’ve done some breathwork in the past but this one was the first time I was able to pass a threshold where I actually felt the effects that they say you would feel. I reached a place where my body was actually releasing old stagnant energy that was held in there for who knows how long. It really left me awe honestly afterwards, because I tried a couple of times to reach that state and felt so hard to reach until now. And I thank Steph for helping me get there! She guided us the whole way and did not miss a beat. First, she set up the perfect ambience for all of us to feel comfortable enough to go deep into the practice. Then lead us through the whole breathwork portion with continuous communication and guidance helping us go deeper. Truly was an unforgettable experience. This is a practice that all humans must do!” - Bev

"My gratitude knows no bounds where Stephanie is concerned. It’s been such a great experience working with Stephanie over this past year! She is sympathetic, empathetic and also realistic. It’s one thing to have someone in your corner, but completely welcome to have someone that is supportive but also keeps your accountable. I have a personal trainer for my physical health and have Stephanie for my emotional health. I value our time together and look forward to our sessions. I also enjoy that we can connect even in between our sessions.  Stephanie is such a wonderful person and I’m grateful for her every day." - Angelina

"I recently had the privilege of participating in a breathwork meditation session, and I can honestly say it was one of the most transformative experiences I've ever had. Stephanie guided us through a series of breathing exercises that were both gentle and powerful. With each breath, I felt myself sinking deeper into a state of relaxation, letting go of tension and stress that I didn't even realize I was holding onto. As the session progressed, I began to notice subtle shifts in my body and mind. I felt waves of energy moving through me, clearing away blockages and leaving me feeling lighter and more present than I had in ages. By the time the session ended, I felt completely rejuvenated – mind, body, and soul. I cannot recommend breathwork meditation highly enough to anyone seeking deeper self-awareness, relaxation, and inner peace. It truly is a profound and life-changing practice." - Jeanne

“My experience with Stephanie's breathwork session was incredible! She created such a safe and comforting space for me to fully relax and be present with myself. For the first time in weeks I was truly able to find peace and let go of negative emotions that had been causing me a lot of stress. You can feel how passionate Steph is about guiding other women in this way and she provides such a nurturing and beautiful experience. I would highly recommend attending her breathwork, you'll be so happy you did! I came into session on edge and holding stress from my day, and left feeling light, at peace and reconnected to myself!” -Jennie