welcome my fellow empath, intuitive & sensitive soul

I’m Stephanie Pereira Lima

Soul Coach, Intuitive Energy Healer, Space Holder, Breathwork Guide & Reiki Master

Spiritually awakened women hire me to guide, coach and support them in cultivating their Soul Purpose and creating a Soul-Aligned Life.

subconscious, somatic & energetic healing

intuitively guided & divinely supported

Awaken your healer within

Heal your past, pain and programming

Align with your highest potential

Embody your soul self

Awaken your healer within Heal your past, pain and programming Align with your highest potential Embody your soul self

You’re an ambitious, high-achieving spiritual woman and despite this, feeling unfulfilled

Your path has landed you here — the right place at the right time.

I know what it’s like to reach a certain level of societal success yet still feel completely empty.

It’s a familiar experience.

You go through the motions of your busy life, follow the rules, tick off the boxes, and achieve, achieve, achieve.

And somehow along the way, you’ve completely lost touch with who YOU truly are.

But there’s a shift in you that has changed your life.

You are awakening and your awareness is expanding.

You no longer want to live in the hustle and on the proverbial hamster wheel.

You’re done with feeling trapped in a reality that was handed to you.

You no longer want to simply survive and continue to live your life for others.

You’re questioning who you are outside your role:
at your soul-sucking job, in motherhood, and as the polite “good girl” everyone expects you to be.

You’re questioning what your PURPOSE is.

Your Soul Purpose is here to guide you in creating the impact you know you are here to make. It’s also here to support you in living a soul-aligned life, one that is easeful, fun, joyful and abundant.

Like many before you, your Higher Self is asking you to step into your truth and own your authentic expression so you can live in alignment with your divine purpose.

And I will be there to guide & support you in that journey.

Let's embrace our Soul Essence together and shift your life from surviving to thriving!

Check out my offerings down below & see what feels the most supportive for you.

Awaken Your Limitless Potential

Work With Me

Soul Space

1:1 Healing + Coaching Container

Create a soul-led life through awakening, aligning and embodying your Soul Purpose in a custom healing and coaching container, with me

Head to Heart

Free 2-day Virtual Experience

(Recorded) FREE 2-day immersive experience for women that are ready to shift out of survival mode, access deep healing & up-level their life


Monthly Group Gatherings

Receive healing and support through intentional space holding and the magic of community and sisterhood, both online and in-person in New Jersey

Listen to My Podcast

This podcast is designed for intuitive souls on their awakening, healing and expansion path. I’ll be sharing stories, interviews, practices & wisdom to guide, support and inspire you as you walk your divine path of self-remembrance, self-expression, and connect with your deepest essence so that you can create an abundant, intentional and harmonious life, from your soul space.

  • "Stephanie is an incredible Soul Coach who was brought immense value to my life! I started working with Stephanie back in October and I’m so grateful I did. Stephanie has an amazing way of connecting with you and truly meeting you where you’re at. She’s an excellent guide to take you out of the chaos of life; using coaching and breathwork in her sessions, her work has been very profound. Before we started working together I was about 2 years into my spiritual journey (trying to do all of the spiritual work alone) but felt completely stuck, burnt out and like I was just waiting around for something to happen for me. I was unclear on my soul’s purpose and what I was here to do. Since working with her, I have felt seen, uplifted and guided. I have become more clear on my purpose and it’s reignited the spark I felt I had lost. I would recommend working with Stephanie to anyone who is looking to understand themselves on a much deeper level and get clear on their soul’s mission so they can start working towards fulfilling it"

    — Blanca

  • "The Breathwork Stephanie guided me through was pure medicine. The experience itself was incredibly relaxing and enjoyable. Her guidance kept me focused on the present moment as time seemed to expand and contract throughout the session. It was a beautifully meditative experience similar to the feeling of deep sleep but while being awake and conscious. After the session, I had so many realizations and insights into some of the things I’m currently working through in my life, and I know it’s because of the Breathwork Stephanie facilitated for me. It really helped me move some blocks and allowed my energy to flow.”

    — Grace

  • "Working with Stephanie over the last several months has been transformative in every aspect of my life. She has mindfully and compassionately connected with me and where I am on my journey. Stephanie has educated and empowered me so that I can heal past wounds, embrace my authentic self and align with my soul’s true purpose. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her guidance and support."

    — Alyssa

  • "My gratitude knows no bounds where Stephanie is concerned. It’s been such a great experience working with Stephanie over this past year! She is sympathetic, empathetic and also realistic. It’s one thing to have someone in your corner, but completely welcome to have someone that is supportive but also keeps your accountable. I have a personal trainer for my physical health and have Stephanie for my emotional health. I value our time together and look forward to our sessions. I also enjoy that we can connect even in between our sessions.  Stephanie is such a wonderful person and I’m grateful for her every day."

    — Angelina

  • "From our very first session Stephanie made me feel so comfortable, creating a safe and supportive space for me to share, judgement-free.  In addition to her warmth and being so down to earth, she is incredibly knowledgeable; through our sessions I’ve learned about different healing tools and practices which have been been instrumental in helping me create sustainable self-care rituals, cultivate unconditional self-worth and reconnect with my intuition.  With Stephanie’s guidance and mentorship I’ve taken steps to prioritize my wellbeing - I am journaling and meditating regularly, I’m more protective of my boundaries and energy, and I’ve developed a deeper sense of self. I’m proud of the progress I’ve made so far and I feel so empowered to continue on with this journey."

    — Alexandra

Hi I’m Stephanie Pereira Lima

Soul Coach, Intuitive Energy Healer, Space Holder, Breathwork Guide & Reiki Master

My mission is to guide lightworkers, creatives, and visionaries towards aligning with their soul’s purpose so they can create the positive impact they are meant to have, all while living the easeful, flowy and abundant life they desire.

My soul is here to anchor in the divine feminine frequency of love and compassion, and support humanity’s consciousness evolution from the 3D to 5D.

I’ve had countless past lives as a high priestess, medicine woman, healer and oracle. I’m a Pleiadian and Arcturian star seed, born and raised in Miami FL, from Brazilian-Cuban lineage. I’m a pisces sun, scorpio rising, aries moon and a 4/6 emotional generator.

My divine purpose is to bring as many lightworkers online and sharing their soul gifts with their communities because the world needs healing, the world needs your light, presence and magic.

Today my greatest joy is to see women truly stand in their power and live from their hearts, intuition and soul.

As we heal ourselves, our frequency ripples out to our family, friends, community, ancestral lineage and across space and time.

If you resonate with me and would like to work together, it would be a sincere honor to be part of your soul’s evolution and expansion journey.